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in the audience 意味

"in the audience"の例文


  • 客席{きゃくせき}の間で
  • audience     audience n. (1) 聴衆; 観客; 読者. 【動詞+】 address a large audience 大聴衆に演説する
  • audience    audience n. (1) 聴衆; 観客; 読者. 【動詞+】 address a large audience 大聴衆に演説する The audience was deeply affected. 聴衆は深く感動した arouse an audience to passion 聴衆を熱中させる The audience was assem
  • audience with    audience with 目通り めどおり
  • in the audience of    面前で
  • (television) audience    (television) audience 視聴者 しちょうしゃ
  • accumulative audience    累積視聴{るいせき しちょう}
  • an audience    an audience 御目見得 お目見得 おめみえ
  • appeal to audience    聴衆{ちょうしゅう}[観衆{かんしゅう}](の心)に訴えるものがある
  • appreciative audience    鑑賞力{かんしょう りょく}のある聴衆{ちょうしゅう}
  • assure the audience    聴衆{ちょうしゅう}に請け合う
  • audience (with emperor)    audience (with Emperor) 拝謁 はいえつ
  • audience (with someone)    audience (with someone) 謁見 えっけん
  • audience analysis    視聴者分析{しちょうしゃ ぶんせき}
  • audience chamber    謁見室{えっけん しつ}
  • audience characteristics    視聴者{しちょうしゃ}の特性{とくせい}


  • in his lifetime , with him sitting in the audience
    彼が生きている間に 本人が見ている前で
  • and i want to thank all of you in the audience
  • who i believe is in the audience at this very moment .
    今 この観客の中にいるはずです
  • anyone in the audience who is in favor of malaria ?
    手を挙げて 誰かマラリアが好きな人?
  • and i sat like you guys there in the audience .
    皆さんのように座って 観客席から見ていると
  • and there are certainly many people in the audience
  • quick moment for the designers in the audience .
  • these are young women in the audience of the program
  • i doubt many of you in the audience can see
  • and , for any finnish people in the audience
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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